Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Blue Minnow

This quilt was made by sewing 4 strips of WOF together and cutting them into blocks.  I think they are 8 inch finished. Strips were 2.5 inches.  The black print has cute little minnows swimming around.  We used leftover fabric for the back - no surprise there!  It was quilted with a pattern called Contempo which I do not recommend for busy quilts.  I like it on the back but the front has too many straight lines.  I think a more curved pattern would have been better.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shannon! I wanted to let you know this PIN showed up in my email today. I thought, hmmm, I don't remember seeing this quilt before. No wonder - from 2012. Your quilt holders were still doing a great job even 7 years ago. Happy Happy Friday! ~smile~ Roseanne
