Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Rectangles Galore

This pattern can be found here.  It is a baby quilt, but I made mine bigger.  Hers is 2 3/4 block by 2 3/4 block and mine is 5 x 6 blocks.  

For the back I used up every single piece I had left from the top.  I had to steal some green fabrics from another project to bind the quilt!

Emma recently turned one, her adjusted age is 8.5 months.  She was close by so I threw her on the quilt and tried to grab a picture.  This little girl does not like to sit still!  She is constantly on the move.  She's a sweet little thing and doing very well.

Linking with Show and Tell Tuesday and :


  1. I love the back as much as I love the front! That's one lucky, lucky baby!!!

  2. Time sure flies....I remember when I read your post about Emma's birth! She is a cutie.

    Another great quilt Shannon. Love the colors.

  3. That's a cute picture. Your little girl looks perfect on the quilt. Congratulations (on pretty quilt and pretty daughter!)

  4. What a great surprise - I am looking forward to trying this pattern for my next quilt and you are just showing this nice peace of work!!! Now, I cannot wait till my first Jelly Rolls arrive!!!!


  5. The back is a cute as the front! Lovely finish and great way to use the leftovers. Your daughter's flaming red hair and delightful smile are the icing on the cake!
