Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Have You Ever Glued a Binding?

I saw this new way to add a binding to a quilt that used NO pins!  What really?  No getting poked?  Aren't we supposed to get jabbed when we sew?  Well, not anymore!  

I have a friend coming over who just got a sewing machine and I remembered that she hates to pin the binding on.  So I thought I would try this method out just for her.  You can see the directions here.

All you need is some Elmer's Washable School Glue and your iron.  Sew your binding to the front just like normal.  Press it and flip your quilt over.  Run some glue down the binding, fold it over, and give it a good press. (no steam please)  

I did it the same way as if I was pinning, but glued and flipped instead of flipped and pinned.  I held the iron on the fabric for a couple seconds until it would stay down.

It is a little stiffer because of the glue and that makes stitching in the ditch easy. And I didn't have to pull any pins when I sewed.  ( I don't pull pins anyway though.  I have lot's of pin pullers running around my house and one of them is always happy to help me!)  After washing, the binding felt just the same as if I had used pins. The glue washed out.  

Overall, it seemed to take a little bit longer.  But it was my first time, I think I will get faster.  Good method for not using pins.  None to poke you or drop on the floor!  I think it's worth another try on a bigger quilt.


  1. Great tutorial, Shannon. I have also done that with the BLUE glue sticks for crafts. The sticks say permanent bond and they work very well without a possibility of the white glue sinking out. I love your blog; I have homeschooled my one son from the start and he will graduate this year. So God has given me a new season of life. I free motion quilt and teach FMQ as well, but looking at your curriculums information brought a moment of sadness. But it has been great and I have loved every moment of it, even the difficult times. God bless you on your commitment to the Godly seed God has given you. I pray each one will become mighty warriors of the faith.

  2. Thanks for the tutorial Shannon. Might be a great way to help my grandgirls with their binding efforts.
