Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Veggie Tale Quilt

After searching through my entire stash looking for I-Spy fabrics, I found my leftover Veggie Tale fabric.  I decided to make this quilt and then put the leftovers in with the I-Spy stuff.  I had already used Bob the Tomato panel in a Veggie Tale quilt back in 2010, but I still had the Larry panel.  I had to cut up the border on the top and bottom because there just wasn't enough to go all the way across, but it goes with the pattern of the quilt nicely.

 Here's the original quilt I made.  It was somewhere close to the first one I ever made.  It might even be the first one.  I like that they are similar, but different.  These are going to go on the couch in the living room.  It's about time to put those winter ones away.  We're ready for a change!


  1. So cute! I really like what you did with the borders. Have you just been quilting for five years?

  2. You make the cutest quilts Shannon! Both are just so fun. I like that you created your own patterns for them. What a great way to use leftover bits of fabric.
