Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Floral Plus Quilt

45" x 54"

It has taken me so long to get this finished!  But that is because I have been working on other projects.  We spent a lot of time cleaning carpets, replacing padding, and adding new carpet to our house.  That is not my idea of fun! But I am back to teaching the kids and quilting.  Yeah!

This quilt used up the black floral print and turned into a lovely plus quilt.  I think this is my favorite pattern.  But you probably guess that since I make so many of them.

Leftover scraps on the back, a simple meander, and a dark teal green fabric to finish it off.  Simple and effective.  Hope you're all having a great week!


  1. I enjoy seeing the backs of your quilts just as much as the fronts. Another great quilt. I need to try a plus quilt - what sizes are your squares?

  2. What a great way to use a floral print. It looks so pretty in the plus blocks. Glad you are getting your schedule back.

  3. LOVE the colors in this quilt. It is adorable!

  4. Somehow I missed this quilt when it was posted. Your quilt holder is getting taller as now I see feet! Or it is a different holder! This classic pattern looks great in those colors!
