Saturday, June 13, 2015

Polly Want a Quilt?

48 x 56

Yay, my iron finally arrived!  I am so excited to get something finished!  I have 2 quilts to share with you today.  The tops are the same on both quilts.

This first one has a cream colored back and a red binding.  Love the texture I got with the quilting, but we'll get to that in a minute.

I got this parrot fabric at an estate sale last summer.  It was a weird size and I put off using it because I couldn't decide how to cut it and which pattern would be best for it.

This year is all about getting things out of the closet and into quilts so I came up with this block.  It is made from a cream colored jelly roll I found in the closet.  The parrot fabric is cut 4.5 by 8.5. The block is 8.5 x 8.5 unfinished.

After I had the top sew together, I was worried it was going to be too plain.  It needed some custom quilting to liven it up.

I quilted back and forth in the cream part of the blocks changing directions at every seam working my way across the quilt. I love how it make the parrot fabric puff up.

There are 2 different quilting rows that repeat.  The black arrows show one row and the red shows the next.  Before I started quilting, I poked pins in the top to mark the spots I wanted to quilt to make sure I could get all the way across the quilt without stopping.

If you look closely, you can see where I changed directions along the seams of the blocks.

I had enough parrot fabric to make 2 quilts.  This one has a blue back and blue binding.

The quilting really stands out on this quilt.  It was actually the first one I did.  That's when I decided to put a lighter color on the back of the second one.

When I went outside this morning to take pictures this gorgeous rainbow was waiting for me!

It was much more magnificent in person.  The colors were so vibrant!  It is actually a double rainbow, the top rainbow was more faded. I don't think I've ever seen one like this before.  I couldn't get a picture of the whole thing because there was a tree in the way. But I thought I would share it with you!  


  1. Your pretty quilts are just in time for the 4th of July.

    It's sure amazing how much we use an iron in our quilting, and it's no fun to be without one. What kind did you get? My current iron has lasted the longest because it's the first one I've used only distilled water in. They are bound to fail at some point when we use them so much.

    I like the white stitching on the blue backing! How fun to do a different stitch pattern. Your machine stitches left to right, and mine only stitches right to left! I had a bear of a time when I tried stitching the other direction and finally figured out that is backwards to Mrs.Singer.

  2. What fun quilts. They are so cheerful. I'm so glad you showed how you kept the quilting continuous. I plan on making a quilt like this with bigger blocks for my brother. (Hopefully next month) so perfect timing.

  3. Great quilts! You just gave me an idea to use an aqua jelly roll that I won. I am sure it won't be hard to find a print or 2 to go with it, LOL
