Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Postcard from Oklahoma

48 x 60

This is my version of the Postcards from Sweden Quilt.  I say "my version" because I didn't buy the kit, but I used what I had on hand.  I was missing a few colors and thought it would be okay to replace them with something close.  Well, I think I was wrong.  This quilt really needs the gem stone shades that are used in the original quilt.  I like my quilt, but I don't love it like I thought I would.

I quilted it with wavy lines running up and down the quilt.  There are 5 per column.  I went vertical because the backing fabric runs horizontal.  I do love the back!  It has the same bright colors as the front.  

I auditioned many colors for the binding - gray, purple, green, pink, and orange.  I really didn't want to use orange, but the warm color was the only thing that seemed to go.  I would have used the darker orange, but it didn't go with the back. Picky, I know.   I'm ready to move on to the next project though.  This one took way too long!


  1. BEAUTIFUL! That would be snapped up on Etsy in a heartbeat! Maybe my next pattern will be all HSTs just to drive you crazy...NOT!

  2. This looks great! I think the few softer colors give it great movement. And the binding keeps it sweet and bright. I absolutely love the backing!

  3. I love it! The colors go great together. I always enjoy seeing the backs of your quilts as they are just as much fun as the front. Another great quilt Shannon.

  4. Oh my goodness, Shannon. This quilt is absolutely fantastic!!!! Great job at the quilting!
