Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Rainbow Patchwork

45 x 54

Can you believe this quilt is made from leftover from my postcard quilt?  I had cut the leftover strips into squares and had so many I wanted to make a quilt from them. I did have to get into my stash for some purple, but that was about it.  I wish I had taken a picture of the top before it was quilted.  It was so plain.  Now it looks awesome!

I quilted back and forth in each square across the quilt alternating directions.  I only messed up once. Can you find it up there?  I'll give you a hint:  it's on a green square.  I had started thinking about something when I was quilting and oopps! Went the wrong way! No big deal.

For the back, I used a gray scratchy looking fabric that was wide enough for the whole quilt.  I used it for the binding too.

Myra, I thought of you when I saw the pictures of this quilt!

Linking to Freemotion by the River


  1. Lovely! Very cheerful and bright. Couldn't find the "mistake," so it can't be too bad! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. You hid the mistake very well. I can hardly see it. But what I do see is a beautiful quilt with lots of texture. What did you use for thread?

  3. Hi Shannon! Oh, this is cheerful and beautiful quilt! I love colours and you have made gorgeus rainbow quilt! x Teje

  4. I am always amazed how many (or what sized) quilts can be made from leftovers. Your quilt is beautiful! The quilting works great with it.

  5. Yep, your rainbow quilt has my name all over it! I ♥ it, surprise!! The quilting adds a great dimension, and the crosshatch backing and binding compliment the quilt top perfectly. Pointing out your "mistake" is not required, friend!!

  6. Nice. Adding that to my repertoire of ways to quilt a top made of squares--beyond diagonal crossed lines.

  7. ANOTHER GREAT QUILT! Wish I was as prolific as you are. I bet your kids claim these quilts before they are even finished. The quilting is perfect for squares.

  8. Beautiful quilt and what a fun way to quilt it!!! Thanks for sharing!

  9. This is soooooo cute! The colors are great and I love the quilting. Simple but perfect! Great finish!

  10. This is soooooo cute! The colors are great and I love the quilting. Simple but perfect! Great finish!
