Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Minecraft Quilt

 68 x 87

This is a twin sized minecraft quilt. For those of you unfamiliar with Minecraft is it a very popular pixelated game where you build and grow things. Email me if you want the pattern. All the things in the game are made from blocks. I found images online to make my blocks.  I used my Kona Cotton Color Card to pick my colors and I tried to match the colors of the game.  My kids were all too happy to help me with the design.  They even helped rearrange some of the design of the blocks when it didn't look quite right.

I saw a tutorial on how to make the TNT block where you use all 1 inch squares.  Ha!  Mine looked awful and I knew there was no way I was going to get that many tiny pieces to line up. Here it is:

So I decided to use strips for all but the inside of the N and it looks so much neater. Here is my new center of the TNT block:

I think Steve needs some color changes, but otherwise I am quite pleased with how it turned out.

I meandered the quilt with a dark monopoly thread because of the black background. It looks good on both the dark and the light colors. Gray thread would have been too visible on the sashing and I wanted the blocks to stand out.

I found this pixelated flannel at Joann's this weekend and it is just perfect for this quilt.

Originally it was going to have a full green border, but it didn't look good.  My husband suggested just a small strip to break up the black. I think it added a perfect frame for the quilt.

This quilt is for sale in my etsy shop.  It is also my One Monthly Goal for March.

Sew Fresh Quilts Needle and Thread Thursday 
Fort Worth Fabric Studio A Quilted Passion 


  1. My grandsons would love this quilt. They are fanatics when it comes to mine craft. You are a very talented quilter.

  2. hmmm regarding your answer to my color questions... I think you may be right, that colorwise I wouldn't know the same person made these... but you have a style. Pieced not appliqued. Graphic lines. block work.

  3. Congrats on the fun finish!

  4. I am in shock that your kids are allowing you to sell this quilt! It is lovely, and I'm sure it will sell in a short period of time. What a fun finish, though I can't say I like the amount of Mine-crap (as we call it) played at our house!

  5. That is great! My kids would steal it before I could list it in my store!!!

  6. Oh, this is awesome! I think the TNT block is my favorite.

  7. Nice! I did a couple of batik Minecraft cushions not long ago, so I know how hard it is doing the colour matching. Your quilt looks amazing! :D

  8. It looks great. I'm not familiar with Minecraft (I have heard of it) I'm sure a Minecraft fan will love it.

  9. I'm surprised your kiddos will let you sell it! It's very fun... even if I don't know anything about Minecraft. Thanks for linking up with TGIFF @ A Quarter Inch from the Edge!

  10. I have two sons hanging over my shoulder right now looking at your quilt and asking me to make them one! You've done a great job.

  11. Quite impressed with your husband! The green border helps pull everything together, but I like that black is the final border. Looks great Shannon!

  12. I love it, it turned out great! The thin strip of green was a perfect addition, good call and kudos to your husband! And I've seen that backing at Jo Ann's too, it's perfect for a Minecraft quilt. :)

  13. might be tempted to applique the tnt into the white background. and then sew the squares
