Monday, November 14, 2016

Fire Within Wall Hanging

29.5 x 78

This is my latest customer quilt/wall hanging.  You can find the pattern here.  She chose this beautiful 25 quarter yard set of Anthology BeColourful Fabrics.  It was an easy quilt to put together and the directions were very clear. It was a fun project! Hope you are all getting some time to quilt before the holidays hit!


  1. I adore the colors, one day I will do a rainbow quilt

  2. Шенон, у вас получился очень сочный и интересный квилт! Поздравляю!)))

  3. Wow, it may have been easy to put together, but it sure doesn't look like it. It's beautiful! I have a bargello-like pattern I want to use for one of my daughter's Christmas quilts. How did you quilt yours? Did you follow the color pattern or go with something else?

  4. You knocked another beauty out of the park!

  5. This is beautiful! You are so good with all those tiny points.
