Monday, December 26, 2016

Best of 2016

It's time to reflect on the past year and celebrate some of our best quilts of 2016!  Here are my 5 favorite.

1. Rainbow Bargello - My favorite quilt of the year won Viewer's Choice at this fall's Blogger's Quilt Festival. I was so excited because it was my first time to win something! 

2. Charming Plus Quilt - I do love a scrappy quilt!  One of my favorites because it uses little fabric pieces from a lot of past quilts.  Lots of memories in this one.

3. Yellow and Gray Patchwork - Also a scrappy quilt, this one used yellow, gray and black quilts.  Yellow is probably my favorite color to mix with black and gray,  I made several yellow and gray quilts this year, but this was my favorite.

 4. Minecraft - This is on the list because we were blessed with provision with these quilts.  I made 19 minecraft quilts of different sizes this year and sold them in my etsy shop. It was a family project. The kids were laying out blocks and my husband helped with ironing. I am thankful the Lord provided this kind of work for me.

5. Country Floral -   Just so you don't think all I make is quilts with bold colors, I add this soft pink quilt to my favorites.  It was my favorite country floral quilt from this year.  I really do love working with all colors.

Honorable Mention

6. Postcard from Sweden - I couldn't just pick 5! I've made 2 of these quilts because I didn't have the bright colors I wanted the first time around.  So glad I did because this quilt is beautiful! Myra is hosting a quilt-a-long in this pattern in the coming new year. You can the quilt-a-long at Busy Hands Quilts. I hope you'll join in the fun.


  1. Wow I didn't realize you made so many Minecraft quilts, good for you!

  2. They are all beautiful. I have been eyeing the Postcard from Sweden. It turned out perfect.

  3. I do like your yellow and gray combinations!
    8 kids and quilting - how do you do it?
    Following you now, added you to my Feedly.
    Popped by from the Best of 2016 Linky Party.

  4. Beautiful work! I definitely remember your rainbow bargello from the quilters festival! I hope you have a lovely last week of 2016 and wonderful 2017.

  5. Funny how your favorites are also my favorites! They're all so very pretty. Can't wait to see what 2017 brings in your quilting!

  6. All so gorgeous. Congrats on the win at Blogger's Quilt festival. That was a fun event. 'Love the colors of those fabrics, the quilting, all is so perfect :)

  7. Beautiful finishes, I love your rainbow bargello quilt! Have a wonderful new year and 2017! Great Thanks for linking up to the Best of 2016 linky party!

  8. Gorgeous work!! I remember that bargello quilt from the festival. It is stunning! I can't imagine working on so many quilts in a years time. You are one productive (and talented) quilter. Wis.hing you and your family all the best in 2017!

  9. So much fun to see these quilts again. How exciting to make and sell so many quilts as a family. I can see why they are so popular.

  10. Lovely work! And congrats on making 19 Minecraft quilts - awesome!
    Happy New Year
