Friday, December 30, 2016

End of the Year Wrap Up

It has been a great year! So let's start with the stash report. I didn't do as good as I was hoping, but I am please that there was more going out than coming in.  A lot of the fabric this year was solids for the custom quilting I did.  And I just ordered 54 yards at the end of this month.  At least I am in good shape starting out the new year.

Dec In  97.25
Dec Out  52.5

YTD In  571
YTD Out  619
Net Change  48

I made 70 quilts, 3 wall hangings, 10 pillows, 6 placemats and a table runner this year.  I participated in 5 quilt-a-longs and tested 7 patterns for Myra at Busy Hands Quilts. My goals were to make 36 quilts (20 of them from the bin).  I reached part of my goal in making the quilts, but I didn't get into the bin enough this year. I've had a lot of fun quilting this year!

42 quilts - These are my regular yearly quilts. I love making these lap quilts.  11 of these had fabrics that came out of my "bin".  I hope I can get into that more next year and get that fabric used up.


9 customer quilts - Special requests that came from my etsy shop some are not pictured because they are duplicates.

19 minecraft quilts - These also came from my shop.  I offered custom block choices and 4 sizes of quilts. I think my customers enjoyed having choices with these quilts. This was fun, but a lot of work! Here is just  a few of them.

Goals for 2017

1. Make 40 quilts again this year.
2. Get better at some new quilting designs and venture out into free motion quilting.
3. Use the stash as much as possible.  Have a net change of more than 48 yards.

 I know there are big changes coming in my personal life, so I hope to get as much time to sew as I did this year. I am thankful for all that I was able to do this year and for my quilty friends online.

Happy New Year to all of you!


  1. 70 quilts!!!! I think I just fell off my chair a little bit! How are you so productive when you have such a lovely big family as well? They are all so pretty, especially the rainbow bargello- I have hankerings to make something similar!

  2. You are my hero...I want to be like you when I grow up :) What a great year.

  3. That's phenomenal! And such beautiful quilts! I want to make almost every quilt you post.

  4. You sure had a productive, blessed year! I had no idea the Minecraft quilts totaled 19. I'll do my best to encourage you to meet your goals by sending patterns to test! Here's to using the stash, so we can buy more! By the way, I've always wondered how long a fabric has to be in the stash to be considered "part of the stash"? If I wait a week, does that count?

  5. You are an inspiration. Your quilt parade is incredible. I wish you the very best for 2017.
