Monday, December 19, 2016

Merry Christmas to Me!

 I received a package today with some quilty goodness!  Up first are these buttons.

 They aren't just buttons - they are coasters!  I have one by my machine holding my pop. (or do you call it soda?)

And I have one by my desk also holding my pop.  No I don't have two drink. One dose of caffeine is more than enough.

Then there were these cute bandaids...I really hope I don't have to use them!

Some cute magnets I placed on my longarm.  I thought I had them in the right order, but clearly I need more caffeine.

I saved the best for last!  A new rainbow quilt for my art wall...

I did some rearranging to get everything on the wall.  Isn't it just lovely?

What a thoughtful, delightful, and colorful gift!  Thank you, Myra! 


  1. What cute coasters. Your quilts look so cute on the wall.

  2. It's pop for me, not soda. What wonderful gifts, lucky girl you!! I love your art wall.
