Friday, December 2, 2016

What I'm Working On and November Stash Report

I received this quilt top from a friend of mine.  It's quite old and she wanted it quilted.  It's a hand pieced queen size quilt that is not in great condition.  Normally I would have said no to this request, because it's going to be impossible to quilt this without puckers.  It's that bad.  But she doesn't mind the puckers, she just wants it done.

November Stash Report
Joann's has a big sale for Black Friday and I couldn't resist getting a little fabric. So that means I brought more in this month than I used.  See that's just the reason for keeping track. I probably would have purchase way more if I wasn't counting!

Nov in: 31
Nov out: 34.5

YTD in: 473.75
YTD out: 566
YTD change: 92.25


  1. The blog update looks great! And you've added custom quilting and quilt info! I'm sure this quilt will look great when it's done.

  2. Good luck quilting the hand pieced top. I continue to be impressed by your numbers.
