Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Orange and Green Chunky Race Quilt

 49 x 59

This is my second chunky race quilt to be quilted. I loved the look of the last one so I decided to do the same thing again. This time I left out the ribbon candy quilting that I had so much trouble with last time. And I changed the circles to double circles.  Love those!

I also got smarter and put my better looking patterns on the fabric that was going to show up more.

You can see more of my quilting on the back of the quilt. I love the short sections of quilting, but that you can find it again in other places.

Second one down, only 1 to go!


  1. Love the colors, and nice quilting. Very nicely done.

  2. This looks fantastic! I love how you quilted it and planned where the quilting would go. The back is so neat.

  3. This one came out super! Those your toes peeking out?

  4. I think you have made a very nice quilt!

