Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Navy Ombre Herringbone Baby Quilt

 36 x 40

I am loving this ombre herringbone baby quilt! For some crazy reason, I bought 5 yards of this ombre fabric a couple years ago without a plan to use it. Not a great idea! If you have any ideas for another quilt, I'm all ears! There are still at least 3.5 yards left.

I cut a 5" strip off and played around trying to make something patchworky, but that wasn't working. I added in some white squares to see if that would help.  It was getting better, but still blah. Then I made some HSTs, but what to do with them?  Pinterest to the rescue!  I used this quilt as inspiration. I knew I could get mine to blend better since I had the same colors all down the fabric.

I even found a crazy chevron print in my backing stash that looks great with this quilt top! The binding is Kona Indigo.

I'll be linking to My Quilt Infatuation, Busy Hands Quilts, and Crazy Mom Quilts this week.


  1. Perfect use of that fabric, no way to improve on that, I think!

  2. Such a great use of the fabric! I love these herringbone quilts :)

  3. Oh I think that's perfect - I'd say use a similar theme to use the rest of it - as a gorgeous ombre background - maybe to something working in the opposite direction in pink?

  4. It looks awesome! Great job using that fabric!

  5. That really appeals to me. Great idea, great execution!

  6. That looks great! I also got some ombre fabric a while back with no plan. I have a plan now that I'm excited about, but if I didn't I'd probably do what you did.

  7. I love the ombré look of this quilt. It looks like you planned it perfectly. I have some yellow ombré I found on clearance without a plan. Have you ever seen this skittles quilt?

  8. Hi Shannon,
    I missed this post from last year, but I am about to start a herringbone quilt myself soon. This turned out great! I love the ombre colors.
    ~smile~ Roseanne
