Friday, September 29, 2017

Modern Rainbow Quilt

56 x 72

This modern quilt has 8 different kona cotton fabrics for each colorway. That's 32 different colors! I have been playing with solids a lot lately and this one on flicker caught my eye.

It's quilted with a simple meander with a white thread to not take away from the fun vibrant colors. Okay, really it's because that's what I always do. I need to get some time to broaden my free motion quilting selections. As of right now I only have two options. Perhaps I'll get to that next year...

Linking with Busy Hands Quilts and Crazy Mom Quilts.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Hunting T-Shirt Quilt

Another memory quilt is finished and this time it is made from hunting and fishing shirts. I added in two pairs of jeans to this one because the color and texture went so well with this quilt. Surprisingly, I didn't have any trouble quilting the jeans. They do make those spots a little stiffer than the rest of the quilt.

Apparently, my friend's husband rubbed a whole in this dog shirt and she wanted me to keep it original.  I applied a patch underneath the shirt to keep it from getting bigger and then I stitched around it with a cream thread. Then I also quilted a little loop d loop around it to make sure it is secure for washing.

I love how you can add almost anything to a memory quilt.  This time I added two pockets that I carefully measured and cut to fit into the block.

I cut stuff off sleeves and saved little areas of logos to use for the small pieces. And when I didn't have enough I just used a blank piece of the shirt to finish filling in the pieces.  I searched a long time to find a camo print that I liked.  Finally found this one with the trees and leaves.

Quilt Stats:
Pattern: My design
Size: 59 x 74
Batting:  Hobbs 80/20
Quilting: Medium/Large meander in a tan thread

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Blogger's Quilt Festival - Boomerang Quilt

My entry for the Blogger's Quilt Festival is this paper pieced Boomerang Quilt. I used Kona Cotton colors Iron Gray, Pepper, Sprout, Sunflower, and Bahama Blue with a Snow background.

 It is quilted with a modern freehand wave about an inch apart.  The back is a simple grungy gray.

Hope you are enjoying all the beautiful quilts at the festival this year!  Thanks to Amy for hosting this fun event!

Friday, September 22, 2017

Disappearing Rainbow

51 x 64

This is a disappearing 9 patch quilt made from 5" scrap pieces.  I got the idea here to make this quilt. It was so fun to dig into my scrap bin and pull out all these different colors.  The background fabric is a textured print from connecting threads. 

The back even has it's own rainbow!  Linking with Busy Hands Quilts and Crazy Mom Quilts.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Giant Flying Geese Quilt

88 x 96

This quilt is made from giant flying geese blocks. You can find the directions here and another example here. I added a few more blocks and got rid of the border. The blocks are mostly set in groups of 2 geese with an occasional single one here or there to make the row long enough.

The flying geese blocks finish at 16.5 by 8.5 and I didn't have a ruler large enough to trim them easily. Other than that, it was a fast and easy finish.

I had been looking for a extra wide back for a while online, but while I was in Joann's one day I saw a new flannel extra wide backing. It was white with black and looked perfect for my quilt. Plus it will make this quilt extra soft and warm.

Linking with Finished or Not Friday, Crazy Mom Quilts, and Confessions of a Fabric Addict.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Welcome Fall Quilt #1 and #2

 58 x 67

This fall quilt was made from a layer cake called Welcome Fall. It is hard to find a good fall collection this close to fall!  I guess people have already purchased their fall fabric.  My customer wanted an orange and green border for her quilt and this orange was on her list of choices. So I looked up the fabric line and it was perfect for her!

It has leaves and pumpkins and great fall colors. Sh wanted me to remove the black prints and replace them with brown ones. So I did. I added her two favorite colors to the back with some brown and gave it a brown binding.  One happy customer!

Since I had quite a few leftover pieces, plus all the black she didn't want to use, I made another quilt.  I added in a bunch of 5" squares from the scrap bins. I had enough to piece the border this time, so I offset it with a cream solid.

This set of colors reminds me of Flint corn, also called Indian corn. Or a beautiful cornucopia full of fall plenty. I love how the pieced border changes the look of the quilt.

I pieced the back the same way, but the golden yellow looked better than the orange on this quilt.

Linking with Needle and Thread Thursday, Finished or Not Friday, and Crazy Mom Quilts.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Purple Cross Quilt

Sometimes when I get a quilt laid out, there are fabrics that just stand out way too much.  That white polka dot was one of them. The fabric looked good in the stack and it is the right shade of purple, but oh my!  I just thought it would be fun to show you the before and after.

 Isn't that much better? Even looking at it on the wall in person isn't as good as taking a picture of it on the wall.

64 x 72

Seems purple has been a popular color this year. My stash of purple is getting low. Maybe it's time to go shopping!

This postcard quilt was ordered by the same person. I'm posting just to keep track of my quilts this year since I know you've seen plenty of these in the past.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Family Rail Fence

60 x 70

My friend wanted a quilt to give her mother for her birthday. She wanted me to quilt the names of all her kids and grand kids on it to make it special. I gave a her a few patterns to choose from and she chose this one. I liked this one because it had strips to put the names on.  I need all the help I can get when doing cursive on a quilt. I need all the help I can get to even write cursive on paper!

I spread the names out by family. She has 4 children, so each child got a corner of the quilt. Then under those names, I put their children's names. I put her mom and dad's name in the middle of the quilt. 

I used a disappearing ink pen to mark the names which really helped me. Then I sprayed it with water to get it to go away. Worked out pretty good! Simple pattern made special with some custom quilting.

Linking with Finished or Not Friday and Crazy Mom Quilts.