Monday, September 11, 2017

Purple Cross Quilt

Sometimes when I get a quilt laid out, there are fabrics that just stand out way too much.  That white polka dot was one of them. The fabric looked good in the stack and it is the right shade of purple, but oh my!  I just thought it would be fun to show you the before and after.

 Isn't that much better? Even looking at it on the wall in person isn't as good as taking a picture of it on the wall.

64 x 72

Seems purple has been a popular color this year. My stash of purple is getting low. Maybe it's time to go shopping!

This postcard quilt was ordered by the same person. I'm posting just to keep track of my quilts this year since I know you've seen plenty of these in the past.


  1. The polka dots do jump out, but they would have been cute. Such pretty finishes.

  2. Your color sense is why customers are requesting custom quilts from you; it's a real gift!

  3. Glad your business is picking up too! It is amazing how the photo's can pick out those problems where looking in person doesn't always do it. It really does look better without the polka dots.
