Friday, November 17, 2017

Crazy Quilt

48 x 60

This quilt is really called Crazy Quilt. It's a pattern from the book Childhood Dreams by Susan Bennett Gallagher. Someone asked if I could make it for them and sent me the book. Sometimes I say yes before I realize what I am agreeing to! The quilt calls for 4 solids. I used Kona Navy, Amethyst, Bluegrass, and Malibu.

The pattern requires you to copy and enlarge 111 pieces and then sew them together according to the pattern layout in 4 sections and then the borders. There are some ridiculously small pieces hiding in there!   I used some pins to mark a quarter inch to check if I was placing the pieced in the right spot before I sewed. There was quite of bit of seam ripping at first.  But then I was surprised how nicely my points lined up once I got the hang of it.

She wanted the quilt to be bigger so I added a 6" border.  After I had already pieced the colored border I thought I should have just made those wider then the navy border could have been smaller. But it was too late at that point.

I was going to quilt it with some modern lines, but everyone in my house said I should meander it. I was shocked! I used a dark monopoly thread so it wouldn't be distracting.

This quilt reminds me of an art piece. I think I could be persuaded to make it again. I love that customers challenge me to try new things. It's good to be stretched!

Linking with Busy Hands Quilts and Crazy Mom Quilts.


  1. That is so lovely, I really like the bright colours on the navy background, very stylish.

  2. Hi Shannon,
    WOW - 111 pieces. Holy moly. This looks great and very modern. It looks like you did a fabulous job piecing it together. But nothing surprises me since your Postcard quilt - you CAN do anything. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Shannon, you're a Quilt Saint, this quilt and the other quilt which the customer told you how to lay out the blocks, very admirable quality and skill, something I definitely do not possess. The quilt and quilting is lovely, fun to look at.

  4. You did a great job on this pattern. It sounds complicated, but looks super cool.

  5. Ooh, this is really fun to look at! I love the colour scheme too.

  6. You are one brave soul to tackle that. Nothing can stop you:)

  7. A very attractive quilt; good color choice.
