Thursday, January 25, 2018

Kids Art Work Quilt and a Late Christmas Quilt

57 x 68
Isn't this just the cutest quilt?  All these faces were hand drawn by a class of kids in Seattle. This quilt is for an auction to raise money for their school. Their teacher scanned their drawings and printed them on to fabric. She had a mom in her class embroider the logo and the quote. I put the quilt together for her. 

54 x 66

This is another customer quilt I made for a nice lady from the east coast. She said it was a late Christmas gift for her mother because she got snowed in. This should definitely make up for not coming to see her!  She sent me the fabric for the quilt and I used my Accuquilt Go! to make cut the HSTs.  The pattern is called Broken Dishes and you can find the free tutorial here.

Linking with Busy Hands Quilts and Crazy Mom Quilts


  1. Yeah, two more quilts done! They're both thoughtful quilts.

  2. You worked your magic again on the Kids artwork quilt, nice layout.

  3. LOVE your St. Matthew quilt!! SEW kind of your to quilt with the kids.
