Friday, May 4, 2018


50" x 70"

This quilt pattern is called Matrix. Isn't it awesome in a rainbow of colors? I actually made one of these for myself a couple years ago. I had it listed in my shop as a made to order quilt and someone purchased it. You can find the pattern here.

The quilt I made for myself had a scrappy back which I just love, but for this one I just used a gray paisley print.

Rose asked to see my quilt holder helpers, so I snatched this photo when we were taking pictures of my Ships and Sailors quilt. It was so windy that week that it took all 5 of these guys to hold the quilt for me. Oops, I mean 6. There is one hiding under the quilt! I had said, "Drop the quilt!" My husband was the last one to hear me I guess. The kids had already figured out what I was doing. 

Linking with Busy Hands Quilts and Crazy Mom Quilts.


  1. Shannon, your quilts are always perfectly beautiful. This one is too. I think the time has come for you to share your secrets on getting so much quilty goodness accomplished

  2. Love the quilt and so fun to see your quilt helpers!!

  3. Thanks for revealing the hands behind the quilt photos! I always love to see what you've made.

  4. What a good looking bunch of helpers you have!! I really like the quilt, the colors and the pattern.

  5. Perfect replication of your quilt. I'm sure your client is going to LOVE it!!

  6. Really pretty quilt, and so colorful. That's cool, showing us your quilt holders. Sometimes I wish I had someone to hold my quilts for photos.

  7. What a great quilt and I love your colour mix. I love it so much I checked out the pattern. I haven't time to make it just now but I have it bookmarked for the future. Thank you for the pattern link.

  8. Hi Shannon. It's so fun to come across a quilt made from one of my patterns. I saw your lovely version of Matrix on Pinterest. Thanks so much for the link. Happy quilting.
