Sunday, June 10, 2018

Jean Quilt Tops

Roseanne posted something last week about making a quilt from her pile of jeans and I kindly suggested she make one like this. I told her that I had a couple tops ready to be quilted, but I had not finished them yet and put them away until I could figure out what to do with them. She demanded that I post about them IMMEDIATELY!  No, I'm just kidding! She asked very kindly if I would share what I knew about my quilt tops. 

I don't usually have any UFOs, but these two have been sitting in my attic for a about a year I think. At that time, I had a huge pile of old jeans and several kids willing to take the scissors to them on my behalf. I had been thinking of what quilt pattern I wanted to use with all those jeans and found this one by Lucy Quilts.  <==  PATTERN HERE   It's a pattern well worth it's money!

I made mine larger by adding an additional row to the pattern. It's been a while so I don't remember which one I added. But the process is simple to enlarge it as it is sewn in sections. The only downfall that I found with this pattern is the two large squares are so big, I had to go to the Goodwill to find a very large pair of men's pants because mine just aren't big enough (and I'm the biggest one in my house). Well there is another possible downfall, well not really, this quilt just takes a long time to make and you have to have room to layout an entire section if you want to control color placement. (I'm a bit of a control freak when it comes to color placement!)

After I made the first on with 1/2" finished sashing, I decided I needed to try a different pattern. Would you believe I still have a huge pile of jeans? (I guess that happens when you have 8 kids wearing them out!) Anyway, here is the one I saw on Pinterest.

It is made from only 1 block and the sashing was 1" finished so this one was so much easier to make. I don't remember if I drew it out on graph paper or found a pattern. It doesn't really matter what size blocks you make. You could even make rectangle blocks and line those up vertically. Anything works when it comes to jeans quilts.

I went to Joann's this weekend and they had soft and comfy fabrics (minky) on sale for 5.99 a yard! So I bought some black and some dark blue to get these two tops finished. One is loaded as we speak and I hope to have it done this week. I am planning on doing some different quilting in the different sized blocks. I hope that it turns out well. The plan is to give each of my kids one of these quilts at some point before they move out. So if I mess up, they won't be too upset. I can always make another!

Thanks, Roseanne, for the gentle push to get these finished. I like to think I don't have any UFOs. And I'll be able to say that again soon!

*Please note - Due to the changes made by Blogger dealing with new comment notification, I will be replying directly to your comments on the blog until another solution is found. 


  1. I really like these both, what does it for me is the sashings that add so much to the quilt.

    1. Yes, I agree. Plus the sashing gets rid of the thick seam that would be there if it was just the jeans.

  2. I’ve had fun catching up again. I love seeing what you are up to. I also don’t like having UFO's, but there may be a couple hiding in my studio now.

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, I'm sure one day they will appreciate all the quilts that I made them!

  4. Good Morning! I'm sorry I didn't see this earlier - a certain little boy was over visiting quite a bit. ~smile~ These turned out great, and I love the sashing between the blocks. You did a great job balancing out the different shades of denim - who could even imagine there are so many different ones?! Hmm, I can't decide which one I like better - how about you? It sounds like the second one was easier to sew/piece with the wider sashing. I've not used minky but have seen many people complain about it. You don't mind quilting on it I'm guessing? Happy Tuesday friend, and thanks for sharing the details! ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. I'm quilting one of them now and I'll post about that part when I get it finished. But as long as I don't stretch it, it quilts wonderfully on my longarm. I don't know if it would be as easy on the sewing machine. You would want to spray baste I would think so that the layers would move together. I think I like the first one better even though it's a lot more challenging. I love the look of the different sized squares.
