Thursday, August 30, 2018

Granny Square Patch Full Size

86" x 96" 

This is a Granny Square Patch pattern by Busy Hands Quilts. I modified the pattern to make the quilt a full/double size by adding an additional column and a larger border to the twin size.  If you think you've seen this one before, you're almost correct! I made one in these exact same colors for a customer a couple years ago in  a lap size. She recently asked me to make one in a bed size for her.

Turns out there was just enough of this gray paisley fabric for this quilt. It comes from the Key to My Heart fabric line by Beth Logan. She was kind enough to sell me an additional 20" from her personal stash after I messed up cutting the border and ended up short. Her shop is on Etsy and she has the cutest fabric listed there. Stop by and take a look!

Linking with Busy Hand Quilts.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Jean Quilt #2

 59" x 71"

My second jean quilt is all finsihed! And it is the last of the tops on the rail for me to quilt. I am officially all caught up on everything! Haven't had the rail clear for quite a while. I even got all the scraps cut and put away and my sewing room is clean. Pat me on the back, would ya!

This one seemed harder than the last one. I didn't want to pull anything too hard because of the minky I used on the back and I think I may have allowed for a little puffiness to sneak into the quilt. Maybe I should go back and give the sashing a wave to tack it down. Do you think I'd end up with some puckers if I did that?

This quilt is different than the last one because it only had  1 kind of  block and 1" sashing instead of 1/2" sashing. I think I like the smaller sashing better and the other quilt pattern too. If you're wondering what I'm talking about you can see it here.

I picked a couple different quilting designs this time, but I kept the water meander and the X's. I was working to make the ribbon's smaller and uniform, but you really have to focus. It isn't easy when people keep walking in the room while I'm quilting.

This quilt is joining the other on my couch for a while. It's nice that the kids like them though. Helps me to want to make 6 more of them! They are great for practicing different designs, but it's going to be a while until I break out the old jeans again.

Linking with Busy Hands Quilts

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Card Trick

Most of you know that I am a pattern tester for Myra. This is a quilt I made testing a pattern for her last year. This was the first version, but the borders got changed after I made it. Sometimes you have to make something to get your head around it and that was the case for me. I had only made this kind of border once before so I wanted to make sure the math was correct. And you can't make the borders without making the inside portion so I just made the whole quilt!

I found this beautiful blue and green fabric in my stash that looks great with the layer cake that I used. I picked this bright orange print to give the back some zip.

The pattern comes in a kit from Craftsy and you can find it here.

Linking with Busy Hands Quilts.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Sweetart - A New Pattern!

60" x 72"

This has got to be my favorite pattern yet! I am excited to share this one with you. It's called Sweetart. The colorful strips are like a pop of candy in a bowl. Did I mention I have a huge sweet tooth? I do. This quilt is the lap size, but the twin size is also included in the pattern. It's beginner friendly and comes together quickly.

I had so much fun picking quilting designs for this quilt. I was able to do continuous quilting across each row of the quilt. There are some loops, u-turns, wishbones, and even some ruler work. It had the most wonderful texture after I washed it!

You can find the pattern here if you'd like to make one yourself. Tag me on instagram (theflemings9) or use #sweetartquilt when you get yours finished.

Linking with My Quilt Infatuation and Busy Hands Quilts.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Poolside - A New Pattern!

56" x 72"

Meet Poolside, a pattern I have been working on for a while. This one is playful and fun in these Bonnie and Camille fabrics! I made the lap size, but the pattern comes in 5 sizes from baby to king. The pattern has directions for using fat quarters or fat eighths along with a background fabric. 

I was really excited to see that it would work with fat eights because you don't see that much in patterns and I have a bundle that has been sitting on my shelf for a while that I should use. 

You can find the pattern here. If you make one post to social media with #poolsidequilt. I'd love to see your quilts!

Linking with Busy Hands Quilts and My Quilt Infatuation and Confessions of a Fabric Addict.

Throwback Thursday - Rag Quilts

Rag quilts...does anybody make these anymore? I went searching through my photos and found a few to share with you. I haven't made one in a while, but I do have one started sitting on my shelf. It's been sitting there since November...does that make it a UFO? 

I wanted to start with the pretty one so I chose this one made by my oldest daughter. She doesn't really like to quilt much, but she has made a few quilts since 2010 when I started quilting. She picked the fabrics for this lap sized one. She was my main rag cutter for all these quilts. 

I think this was my first rag quilt. You can tell its old from the very bad picture! It was made in 2010 but this picture is from when I first got my longarm in 2012. It was sitting in the closet until I gave it away to a new mom at church. It's made from quilting cotton and has batting.

The front and back were similar, but slightly different. Yes, I used to keep my batting underneath my longarm. I don't do that any more. Now I store it upright in my closet and keep a beautiful rainbow of fabrics under there.

This one is made from flannel with no batting. I stitched around each square instead of the traditional X you usually see. We actually made 2 of these monkey rag quilts. Documentation was not a priority for me back then. I'm still not the best at it, but I think I've improved! I have left overs of flannel from these quilts just waiting for me to come up with something to do with it. It's on the list...the very long list.

I remember Lindsay helping with the layout of this one on the sewing room floor. I loved when she would come help, but she's older now and has a job. I do have 2 young girls that are ready and willing to help me anytime so all is good.

This last one I made for my youngest child. It's made with rectangles instead of squares and no batting. She was born in the summer and this quilt was nice and light. I had intended it to be one she could drag around with her, but she never needed to do that. Too many older kids to hang around I suppose.

This has sure been a fun trip down memory lane for me. I hope you enjoyed it too! Back to my original question - does anyone make these anymore?