Thursday, August 2, 2018

Throwback Thursday - Rag Quilts

Rag quilts...does anybody make these anymore? I went searching through my photos and found a few to share with you. I haven't made one in a while, but I do have one started sitting on my shelf. It's been sitting there since November...does that make it a UFO? 

I wanted to start with the pretty one so I chose this one made by my oldest daughter. She doesn't really like to quilt much, but she has made a few quilts since 2010 when I started quilting. She picked the fabrics for this lap sized one. She was my main rag cutter for all these quilts. 

I think this was my first rag quilt. You can tell its old from the very bad picture! It was made in 2010 but this picture is from when I first got my longarm in 2012. It was sitting in the closet until I gave it away to a new mom at church. It's made from quilting cotton and has batting.

The front and back were similar, but slightly different. Yes, I used to keep my batting underneath my longarm. I don't do that any more. Now I store it upright in my closet and keep a beautiful rainbow of fabrics under there.

This one is made from flannel with no batting. I stitched around each square instead of the traditional X you usually see. We actually made 2 of these monkey rag quilts. Documentation was not a priority for me back then. I'm still not the best at it, but I think I've improved! I have left overs of flannel from these quilts just waiting for me to come up with something to do with it. It's on the list...the very long list.

I remember Lindsay helping with the layout of this one on the sewing room floor. I loved when she would come help, but she's older now and has a job. I do have 2 young girls that are ready and willing to help me anytime so all is good.

This last one I made for my youngest child. It's made with rectangles instead of squares and no batting. She was born in the summer and this quilt was nice and light. I had intended it to be one she could drag around with her, but she never needed to do that. Too many older kids to hang around I suppose.

This has sure been a fun trip down memory lane for me. I hope you enjoyed it too! Back to my original question - does anyone make these anymore?


  1. Hi again! I made one for my niece just a few years ago. One side is denim and the other is flannel in pastel colors. It was very heavy but she wanted something to keep her warm in the cold Chicago winters. I'm not anxious to make another one - it was a lot of work doing all that clipping and washing/drying. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. It is fun seeing your different layouts for rag quilts. I have made a few, but get so tired of the stringy mess.
