Thursday, September 6, 2018

Throwback Thursday - I Spy

I don't have many pre-blogging quilts to post about for Throwback Thursday. Since I want to participate, I've gathered a few of my favorite early blogging day photos to share with you.

You're gonna like this week's TBT post cuz it's got pictures of some cuties! I had been gathering novelty fabrics for a few years when I bought a box from a blogger to finish my collection. I spent several days cutting squares from all that fabric.
My helpers were then called upon to make kits for future use. They gathered one from each stack and placed them in ziploc bags. We labeled them so I would know how many were in each bag. I still have a whole lot of kits sitting in the closet.

Of course there were scraps left over so I cut them into 2.5" x 5" strips and made a couple quilts out of them. I wasn't able to not duplicate anything like you're supposed to, but they turned out cute anyway.  I even used scraps on the back to make the backing wide enough.

Here's my cutie pies! The red head is my youngest child. Her hair is still red, just not at dark. They're all trying to get into the picture!

The things we go through to get good pictures. Good help can be hard to find! Who can even notice the soccer cleats when you have 4 little ones running around?

This is the quilt made from the I-Spy kit. I don't remember exactly how many kits we made but it was over 20. Why did I make so many? Well, I intend to use these to teach ladies at my church how to sew. Then they will be quilted and donated. It's a long term goal I have. Good thing I have patience!

Hope you enjoyed my version of TBT.  Come back tomorrow for a new pattern release!


  1. I enjoyed your fun story of the kids and the I Spy quilt adventure!

  2. I remember your darling I spy quilts and your even cuter helpers. :)
