Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Altered Book

Hi there everyone! I don't have a quilt to share this week and possibly next week too. What have I been doing? Well, I have been leading an art group through my church the last couple months. We are making an altered book. What is that, you ask? It's pretty much anything you want it to be. Mine is a hardbound book, most pages removed, the remaining pages glued together in 2's for more strength and then decorated with vintage style papers and ephemera.  It's also called a junk journal, but I have no junk around my house so mine is mostly Vintage French themed. 

Pockets are everywhere with papers for journaling. Even the pockets and envelopes can have pockets. There are lots of corner tuck spots and different style envelopes. I made two different sets of tags from pages. I'm having a lot of fun making this and finding new techniques to share with my group. 

I'm about half way done with my book.  Quilting should resume soon, even if it's a slow pace. Holidays are coming you know! I  have some new patterns stewing in my head for the new year. And there is a ton of stuff on the shelf that still needs to be made into a quilt because it won't fit in my storage bins. I'm still wanting to get things cleaned up and more organized for next year.  Hope you enjoyed a peek at what I've been working on.


  1. That looks like you had so much fun! Another version of scrapbooking.

  2. Hi Shannon! This looks so very cool. It does look like a more intense version of scrapbooking. Is this something you're keeping or are you making it for someone? Happy Happy Friday! ~smile~ Roseanne
