Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Best of 2018 Quilts

2018 was a more laid back year for me. I made 53 quilts and picking only 5 favorites was a hard one. It was an exciting year though because I started writing my own patterns! 8 patterns were released though out the year. My very first pattern was Double Up.   

My most popular pattern by far was Sweetart. This year I tried to do more custom quilting. I was really pleased with the look of the quilting on this one. Each line of the block has something different, but is repeated on each block through out the quilt.

 Two jean quilt tops were pulled out of the attic and finished with some custom quilting. This one is my favorite. Both jean quilts are being loved on my couch this winter.


Rainbow quilts never cease to disappoint and these two are my favorite for the year. It's hard to beat a postcard quilt!

And this sunny quilt makes the list not only because it was from a quilt a long, but because it has my most favorite backing of the year!

What a great year it has been! I did take a seemingly long break this fall to work on other projects, but I've been getting back to quilting lately. I have several new patterns in the works for the next year that I am anxious to get written. Thanks for joining me on my quilting adventure!

If you'd like to see other quilts I've made, you can find them on my pinterest board.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Camo Quilt

64" x 80" 

This camo quilt is gift for a friend of ours.  He loves hunting and fishing and has been wanting a quilt for a while. I thought I would surprise him this year with a quilt!

I dug through my stash and found rock fabrics and other textured prints to go with the outdoor tree/leaf print that I used on the back. I put one main leaf print in each block so there would be lots of it in the quilt.

It's definitely camouflaged! It matches our front lawn! I wish I could have captured the richness of the colors in the quilt, but even the pictures in my go to spot didn't look as good as I wanted them to.

I'm so excited about how great this quilt turned out and I know he will be please too!

A Little Rainbow Quilt

 40" x 40"

My good friend started this quilt well over a year ago and it had been sitting in her house waiting to be finished. She had everything cut and was working on the blocks when our quilting life group came to an end. I knew she wanted to use this quilt in her car so I asked her if I could finish it for her for Christmas.

I quilted one word on each block that describes my friend as a surprise for her since she knew what she was getting already. There are 16 words on the quilt.

She wanted the back to be pieces of the same fabrics on the front so I  played a little puzzle game and came up with this layout.  If you're thinking this looks familiar, I've made this exact quilt in a lap size before. She saw mine and wanted one too!

She has so many projects on her list of things she wants to do, so I am glad I can cross one off for her this Christmas!

Friday, December 14, 2018

Almost a Twin

72" x 84"

This quilt is made for wrapping yourself up in! It's almost a twin size and has a turquoise flannel on the back. I had a lady ask me to design a quilt around this large floral print and the striped print. She wanted a big quilt and she did not want me to cut the floral print into small pieces. And she wanted the prints to read solid. So I picked two of each color to add some interest to the 4 patch squares. 

She also requested a pillow case. The two prints worked perfectly for this request. I made it a big larger than the standard sausage roll directions. I always find those to be a bit small.

Getting close to being finished with the quilting list for the year. One gift quilt is done and one to go! I have to have them done by the 25th so I have plenty of time still. Hope you guys are getting your Christmas sewing all wrapped up!

Friday, December 7, 2018

Mug Rug

 6" x 9"

I made this little mug rug for a friend's birthday. The letters are outlined in black with a smaller stitch than normal so that I could make the turns easier. The inside was quilted with a tiny meander and the borders each got their own design. Working in such a small space was very challenging!

I love that I could give something quilted and it didn't have to be a quilt. This project was finished in an afternoon so it makes the perfect gift. A coffee cup and a few other small items were included with the mug rug.

On the sewing front, I have made great progress! Three quilt tops are done with 3 more in the works. I just didn't get one finished by today. Feels good to have lots of stuff to work on. Now I just need to get them finished!