Thursday, December 20, 2018

A Little Rainbow Quilt

 40" x 40"

My good friend started this quilt well over a year ago and it had been sitting in her house waiting to be finished. She had everything cut and was working on the blocks when our quilting life group came to an end. I knew she wanted to use this quilt in her car so I asked her if I could finish it for her for Christmas.

I quilted one word on each block that describes my friend as a surprise for her since she knew what she was getting already. There are 16 words on the quilt.

She wanted the back to be pieces of the same fabrics on the front so I  played a little puzzle game and came up with this layout.  If you're thinking this looks familiar, I've made this exact quilt in a lap size before. She saw mine and wanted one too!

She has so many projects on her list of things she wants to do, so I am glad I can cross one off for her this Christmas!


  1. Hi Shannon! Oh how I love this quilt. The colors are so fun and bright. I could see two words: ambitious and sincere. That is such a nice surprise for her, and how nice of you to offer to finish it for her. {{Hugs}} As usual, your quilt holders are doing a superb job. Merry Christmas to you and your family! ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. What a sweet thing for you to do for her Shannon. I am sure she will be tickled pink to discover the words in her quilt. Happy Holidays my friend!
