Thursday, January 31, 2019

Scrappy Rainbow 16 Patch

56" x 64"

This is a great pattern for using a jelly roll and a charm pack. I  just happen to have one of each laying around in these cute prints from connecting threads. I cut the jelly roll strips in half and then strip pieced the 16 patch pieces.

I am really trying to use up my stash this year, although there is not a strict "no buying" policy at my house! I found this green print in my backing bins. I purchased it at a local quilt shop a few years ago. I've pulled it out before, it's an odd color, but worked perfectly with this quilt. I planned carefully to that I would have enough left for the binding. I had this orange bird print in my stash which just so happened to match the fabric line on the front.

The fabric shelves are still full, so I've got a long way to go this year. But it will be fun to see how much I can get done while still writing patterns and doing customer quilts.  I also need to tackle the scrap batting pile by making some baby quilts. The list is a long one!

Linking with My Quilt Infatuation and Busy Hands Quilts


  1. Hi Shannon! I think this is a fabulous quilt. I rarely buy a jelly roll and a charm pack from the same line unless it's Me and My Sister. How cool that you were able to use up the green backing, and I just adore that pop of color from the orange bird print. Nice and scrappy and very squishy comfy looking. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Great scrappy quilt! We always say were going to use our stash, and when it happens it feels so good! It's especially fun when there is a fun and fast design to aid in the stash busting! Well done with achieving your goal and making a fabulous quilt!

  3. That's such a cool quilt! I really like the combination of larger and smaller squares. And scrappy always makes me happy.

  4. Love this scrappy-looking design. Having a jelly roll and charm pack in the same line is a treat.

  5. Another great finish. You and I will never use all our stash, LOL DH still loves your rainbow bargello quilt, he made me show my brother and sister-in-law too. Someday I might have to make one for us.
