Friday, March 15, 2019

Double 4 Patch

60 x 68 

Sometimes I ask myself, "Why did you ever buy that fabric?" As I type that sentence, I am reminded that I didn't actually buy the cream floral fabric in this quilt. It was given to me a long time ago. But I did purchase the red floral fabric. I don't think the problem here is the fabric. I think it is the pattern I chose to use up the not so loved cream floral print.

And in my defense, I picked out this pattern years ago too. I even found all the strips cut and ready to sew along with my graph paper with the math all figured out. So there wasn't much I could do about changing it at this point. All I could do was hope for the best and maybe it wouldn't be too bad.

It's a little plain and some of the red flowers on the cream print hit the wrong spots, but it is done and done is good. Maybe someone will appreciate the old fashioned look of this quilt.

The back has the same red print from the front. I do like this fabric at least. And as I said before, done is good.  I wanted to show you this quilt so you can see not every choice I make is a good one. And I can show myself, that my choices have gotten better over the years. Or at least I think so!


  1. Hi Shannon! I find the first picture of this quilt very intriguing. It looks so dimensional, the way some of the flowers happened to intersect with the red fabric. I almost thought you made something with yo-yos or some other design where the edges weren't sewn down. I really love the red fabric and it matches the cream so well! Every pot has a lid is what my mom used to always say! Happy Friday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. I think we ALL have fabric that makes us ask that question - LOL. But I think you've done a lovely job with it. I love vintage-y quilts and I think this design gives your fabrics a great sense of movement. I love it and I'm sure it will find it's home and be cherished!

  3. I think we all have learned a lot over the years and our ideas and desires change also. Done is way better than it sitting in your closet!

  4. I think Roseanne is right. There is a dimension to this quilt that is quite striking.

  5. I'm not a big fan of using solids and love when my fabric "mush" which I think what your Double 4 Patch quilt does. It looks vintage but then there's a modern vibe with the movement the light fabric creates with the tone on tone red. Also, there's that feeling you get when you finish or make something with a fabric that was given to you and somethings needs to be made with it even though there's something else you rather be sewing. Hope this quilt finish gives you a clean slate to start a new fun project.

  6. I think this quilt has a subtle beauty. I like the design with the dark and light double four patch blocks.
