Friday, May 24, 2019

Play Date Pattern Sale

I'm having a sale this weekend on my Play Date Pattern! Myra whipped up this cute version in a baby size. I just love the colors! Notice she used only grays for the triangles and blues for the squares.

This is my original version that I made when the pattern came out. Mine is made by random placement of multiple fabrics.

Here are two quilts that put the fabric in spots that make arrows. This baby quilt only uses 4 fabrics to get this cute look.

And this rainbow quilt uses 8 colors to make the arrows. If you look closely you can see that the color blocks are repeating. One set has pink, orange, green and purple. And one set has red, blue, aqua, and yellow.

With this pattern, it is all about fabric placement. So many fun options for you to play with and it comes in two sizes - baby and lap size. You can get this pattern in my shop here. It will be on sale this weekend until Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. Hi again! Oh geez - that colorful version has my name all over it. Myra's version sent me here and now I have a dilemma. HAHA! What a difference the fabric selection makes!! I would never have guessed in a million years that her version and your original. Both are fab but look totally different. Anyhoo - thank you for the pattern sale. I'm showing this to Sue - she's going to roll her eyes at me when I tell her we NEED to make this pattern. ~smile~ Roseanne
