Monday, July 1, 2019

Checking In

I thought I would just pop in quickly and let you know what I've been up to lately. It's not sewing! We've been redoing our laundry room. As you can see, it needs a little loving. The orange walls are gone and so is the red oak cabinets. Well, the cabinets are still there, I just painted them white.

And my husband installed a new light for me. It used to be so dark in our laundry room and now it is full of light. I told him I need some of these up in my sewing room. Wouldn't that be nice? I still have to paint the ceiling around the edges where I was messy and the cabinets have to be adjusted. But we had a our yearly celebration at church this week and that always wears me out! 

The master bedroom is also on the list for an update, but I think I need a week or two before I have the energy to tackle that project. Maybe I can get some sewing in this week.  Summer is a good time to fix up the house. We are hoping to get it back on the market once all the updates are finished.  I hope I get my room looking just as nice as the laundry room!


  1. Ooooh I like the white cabinets. You painted right over the stain/varnish with no sanding first? Or what method did you use? Love the gray walls too.

  2. Ohh, that's such a beautiful room! It's been completely transformed. Now you'll love laundry. :)

  3. Hi Shannon! I missed this post for some reason. I love your laundry room makeover! My favorite color for cabinets is white, and yours look so nice especially with those gray walls. Really nice job and good light is always a good thing. ~smile~ Roseanne
