Thursday, October 29, 2020

Another Postcard Quilt

Recently, I was asked to make a postcard quilt and as I was getting fabric out to cut I thought why not make 2 while I have everything out. This is the one quilt where all my boys help me layout and iron as I sew. It is so helpful! Anyway, that first quilt is sewn into blocks and ready to sew into a top, but there is no hurry since the customer doesn't want it until November. Because this one isn't a special request, I was able to use up some different colors of solids I had left over from other quilts. I think I added at least 10 more colors to the 37 that are already in my quilt usually. 

I was running low on gray prints, but I found this one in my backing bin. It didn't match any of the gray solids I had on hand so I ended up using Kona Pepper. It looks very striking, but not overpowering like black does. One down and one to go!


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Scraps with Black and White

60" x 72"
The fabric pieces for this quilt were cut this summer, but got put on hold because other quilts took priority. But I am glad it's off my cutting table now and ready for someone to snuggle with. 

It's a one block quilt and there are 30 blocks in the quilt. I started using 9 black and white and 9 color fabrics in each block, but it just seemed like there was too much black and white and not enough color. So I started switching out one or two of the black and white for a colored one in each block. 

 It was still challenging to layout the blocks with all that black and white, but I persevered and got it done. I love the break of color the black and white provide. It's a fun scrappy quilt for sure! Lot's of scraps still to go!

Linking with My Quilt Infatuation.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

King Size Rainbow Bargello

Look at this ginormous rainbow of a quilt! It's a king size bargello modified from a pattern by Let's Quilt Something. Sorry to say she has removed her blog completely so the pattern is no longer available.  Below is a shot of the texture after the quilt was washed. I quilted an over all meander in a gray thread. It's wonderfully crinkly!

 After making this big beautiful quilt, it's finally time for a fall quilting break! It will be a short one though. I have a lot of things planned this week, but then I'll get back to quilting.  There's too many quilts to make!