Thursday, October 29, 2020

Another Postcard Quilt

Recently, I was asked to make a postcard quilt and as I was getting fabric out to cut I thought why not make 2 while I have everything out. This is the one quilt where all my boys help me layout and iron as I sew. It is so helpful! Anyway, that first quilt is sewn into blocks and ready to sew into a top, but there is no hurry since the customer doesn't want it until November. Because this one isn't a special request, I was able to use up some different colors of solids I had left over from other quilts. I think I added at least 10 more colors to the 37 that are already in my quilt usually. 

I was running low on gray prints, but I found this one in my backing bin. It didn't match any of the gray solids I had on hand so I ended up using Kona Pepper. It looks very striking, but not overpowering like black does. One down and one to go!



  1. Gorgeous! Also love the wavy quilting! Deb E

  2. Beautiful! Great to have helpers around!

  3. Beautiful! I love that you were able to use colors you had and that you had so many helpers.
