Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Quilty Hearts Baby Quilt

For Thanksgiving, the kids got to do some tie-dyeing. Usually they just get to do a shirt, but Becca wanted to try to dye some fabric to make a pillow case. She wanted purple, but we didn't have any purple dye so we made our own with the navy, pink, and turquoise dyes. You never know how it is going to turn out until it's all rinsed and dry. Well, she didn't like it at all. We had planned on adding a piece for the end of the case .I tried every solid purple I had in my stash and I couldn't make it work.  

So with only 28" of fabric, I did some quilty math and was able to make this cute little baby quilt. I carefully cut the strips I needed, saving the large swirl for last...

So that I could put it on the back! This hand dyed fabric went from drab to fab in this cute baby quilt!

So glad there was a happy ending to the Thanksgiving day fabric dying fun! Next time I plan on using a full yard so that I won't have to add any fabric to it to make a pillow case.