Saturday, May 29, 2021

Solid Scrap Quilt - Red

Solid scrap quilt #2 is just the same as the first one, but with a red binding and a different backing. You read in my previous post that I made too may blocks and therefore had to make another quilt. You know what? I only used about 35% of all the solid squares I had in the box. Does that mean I have to make 4 more of these quilts? 

The red I chose was Kona Cardinal. It went nicely with this rainbow print that had a lot of red in it. I actually chose the backing first, but I knew that one of these quilts needed to have a red binding. Sometimes they just talk to me like that.

A rainbow quilt that isn't too rainbowy. It is a nice change for me. But don't worry, the next one will be a true rainbow quilt. Can't not use scraps to make a rainbow quilt.

1 comment:

  1. I love when I see such a simple pattern turn into such a beauty! Nice to see you sewing again my friend!
