Monday, March 10, 2014

Black and Orange T-Shirt Quilt

Aren't my helpers cute?!  We were having fun taking pictures of this t-shirt quilt.  It's going to the children's church for the leaders to give away to someone who is in the hospital or has had a tragedy.  I plan to make a few more for them to give away also, but one at a time!

I quilted a meander in a rusty orange color. 

This is half the size of the last one, so I added a 1 inch black border around each shirt and then sashed the hole thing with 2.5 inch orange.  I picked 3 shirts that seemed to go together and will be real nice for a little boy.  It's a totally different look this way.  The back is a blue flannel so it's nice and soft.

I'm linking up with Show and Tell Tuesday at Fresh Squeezed Fabrics and Freemotion by the River