Monday, March 3, 2014

Quilted Fleece

I finally bought some fleece to make this quilt.  This quilt has fleece on both sides with no batting in the middle.  I bought a yard and a half of each.   After I loaded it on the quilting machine, I quilted a line 6 inches down and 6 inches in on both sides to leave room for the fringe.  I quilted a double line to make it a little more sturdy.  Then I quilted meandering loops inside the lines.

After I quilted it, I trimmed the edges to 5 inches from the quilted lines.  Then I cut out the corners and sliced the fringe about 3/4 inch wide.  Next time I need to remember to load the top on the bottom so the plain fleece is on top.  You can't see your quilting very well on the print side!

Now that it's done, I'm wondering if the fringe is going to rip and how will this wash?  Does anyone have one of these?  I want to give it to an older lady, but only if it will hold up to use.

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