Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Hunting T-Shirt Quilt

Another memory quilt is finished and this time it is made from hunting and fishing shirts. I added in two pairs of jeans to this one because the color and texture went so well with this quilt. Surprisingly, I didn't have any trouble quilting the jeans. They do make those spots a little stiffer than the rest of the quilt.

Apparently, my friend's husband rubbed a whole in this dog shirt and she wanted me to keep it original.  I applied a patch underneath the shirt to keep it from getting bigger and then I stitched around it with a cream thread. Then I also quilted a little loop d loop around it to make sure it is secure for washing.

I love how you can add almost anything to a memory quilt.  This time I added two pockets that I carefully measured and cut to fit into the block.

I cut stuff off sleeves and saved little areas of logos to use for the small pieces. And when I didn't have enough I just used a blank piece of the shirt to finish filling in the pieces.  I searched a long time to find a camo print that I liked.  Finally found this one with the trees and leaves.

Quilt Stats:
Pattern: My design
Size: 59 x 74
Batting:  Hobbs 80/20
Quilting: Medium/Large meander in a tan thread