Thursday, May 24, 2018

Regatta Quilt #2

Regatta quilt #2 is finally finished! (You can see #1 here.) This one has been sitting out on the hallway rail since I finished the other one. Was that January? I don't remember, it's been so long!  I was not loving this as a quilt top with the gray, but now that it's quilted....I LOVE IT!  Amazing what a little quilting can do.

I quilted varying sizes of swirls on all the colored strips and a back and forth on the gray including the little blocks in each row between the colors. The texture this created is so wonderful!

I really wanted a green fabric with red lady bugs that was as Joann's earlier this year. But the day I went to get it they had just sold most of it. There wasn't enough left for the back of this quilt. So I settled on this green floral print. I settled.  I wish I had been more patient with buying the back because I really think I could have found something nicer. 

I hear that Roseanne is doing a final update soon on the Regatta Quilt Along that she hosted, so if you haven't finished yours yet, there is still time!

Linking with NTT, Busy Hands Quilts, and Crazy Mom Quilts.


  1. That is beautiful! I love the texture you created with the quilting. I can't wait to see all the Regatta quilts together. It was a fun quilt to make!

  2. The colors are so cool and the quilting is just exquisite. I wonder if your kids are going to fight over this quilt.

  3. It turned out great with the gray background. Did you get seasick quilting the gray? :)

  4. This is so amazingly beautiful!!!

  5. I love the U turns on it, they always add so much to the quilting I think. And I like the back!

  6. Awesome quilt - and I love the quilting - it really makes it pop!

  7. Hi Shannon,
    Woot woot! I really LOVE this with the gray - it makes the colors really stand out. And those swirly swirls look so COOL next to the radiator stitches. Even cooler is the little blocks in between the color strips - so darn cute. I'll be thrilled to share this one in the update. Enjoy the holiday!
    Happy Friday! ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. The quilting is spectacular! A Regatta quilt is on my to do list.

  9. What a nice quilt. The grey background is perfect. That backing looks great to me. I also returned to Joann's looking for an older fabric with no luck. 'Good rule: buy enough of a fabric when you see it, lol. Oh, and I love your new blog header.,

    1. Thanks! Excellent idea to follow the fabric rule!

  10. So gorgeous!!! Adding this quilt to my must make list !!!

    1. Thanks! It is pretty easy since it is strip pieced!

  11. I was impressed by your first regatta quilt... I loke this one better!
    I like the color gradation.

    1. Thank you! I'm thinking I should make another since I like them so much!
