Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Best of 2018 Quilts

2018 was a more laid back year for me. I made 53 quilts and picking only 5 favorites was a hard one. It was an exciting year though because I started writing my own patterns! 8 patterns were released though out the year. My very first pattern was Double Up.   

My most popular pattern by far was Sweetart. This year I tried to do more custom quilting. I was really pleased with the look of the quilting on this one. Each line of the block has something different, but is repeated on each block through out the quilt.

 Two jean quilt tops were pulled out of the attic and finished with some custom quilting. This one is my favorite. Both jean quilts are being loved on my couch this winter.


Rainbow quilts never cease to disappoint and these two are my favorite for the year. It's hard to beat a postcard quilt!

And this sunny quilt makes the list not only because it was from a quilt a long, but because it has my most favorite backing of the year!

What a great year it has been! I did take a seemingly long break this fall to work on other projects, but I've been getting back to quilting lately. I have several new patterns in the works for the next year that I am anxious to get written. Thanks for joining me on my quilting adventure!

If you'd like to see other quilts I've made, you can find them on my pinterest board.


  1. All so pretty. I also love the Sweetart and the Postcard quilts.

  2. What a beautiful group of quilts! Your work is wonderful.

  3. They're all gorgeous quilts, Shannon! Happy New Year to you :)

  4. These are my favorite quilts you've made this year too!

  5. Lovely Fab Five and proud to be part of the Sweetart Crush. My blocks have been done and waiting to be made a top; definitely will be a part of my 2019 plans.BTW, your Minecraft is finally being loved this Christmas.

  6. Beautiful quilts! Thanks for linking up!

  7. These are all such wonderful quilts!

  8. What a bright and happy year of quilting. I really love the custom quilting on your Sweetart quilt!

  9. So good to see all the productivity AND the patterns! I hope 2019 is an even better year for you!

  10. I found you on the Best of 2018 linky party. Postcards from Sweden is definitely on my bucket list but I was also wowed by your denim quilt! I have two big boxes of denim I desperately need to use up and make space in my quilt room. I am curious what color thread you used to quilt it. Do you have a blog post about that quilt? I'd love to read it if you do!

  11. You are calling 53 quilts "laid back"?! I am slightly confused :) Glad you had such a terrific year. I am as usual in love with the Postcards from Sweden quilts. Oneday… Hope you enjoyed your start into pattern writing. Wishing you all the best for the new year!

  12. What a beautiful assortment of favorites! I love all the bright colors you've used. Congratulations on launching your pattern business.

  13. Well have sure made it impossible for us to pick a favorite of your fabulous quilts this year! LOL!! WOW! Best eye candy ever! Have a fabulous 2019!
