Thursday, December 20, 2018

Camo Quilt

64" x 80" 

This camo quilt is gift for a friend of ours.  He loves hunting and fishing and has been wanting a quilt for a while. I thought I would surprise him this year with a quilt!

I dug through my stash and found rock fabrics and other textured prints to go with the outdoor tree/leaf print that I used on the back. I put one main leaf print in each block so there would be lots of it in the quilt.

It's definitely camouflaged! It matches our front lawn! I wish I could have captured the richness of the colors in the quilt, but even the pictures in my go to spot didn't look as good as I wanted them to.

I'm so excited about how great this quilt turned out and I know he will be please too!


  1. Hi again! Wow, it really does blend right in with the grass. He'll be wrapped in the quilt and his peeps will say, where did he go?!! HAHA! I am 100% sure he will just love it, and feel all the love you sewed into it. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. You hit the nail on the head as far as camo goes!! Your friend will be delighted.

  3. Absolutely love this!!! What pattern is this?
