Thursday, February 28, 2019

Rainbow Baby Quilt

36" x 40"

Oh what fun this rainbow quilt is! And as a bonus, every fabric in this quilt, except the background is from scraps! The HST's are made from 5" squares from my scrap bins. Even the back is made from some scraps. 

I had this gray fabric left over from a quilt a made a few weeks ago. It was a bit short so I thought a rainbow strip would be great, but I didn't want to make one. Then I remembered I had some strips left from the bargello quilt I finished. I took out a few pieces and stitched it back together. It was perfect for the back of this quilt. Don't you just love it when a quilt comes together!

The 2.5" strip bins are the last ones left to tackle. Several colors are getting to the overflow stage so i need to make a scrappy quilt from those next. I have really enjoyed making a few quilts with my scraps this year. I think this needs to be something I do at the beginning of every year.

Linking with Busy Hands Quilts.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Pinwheel Quilt

60" x 70"

This is one of my favorite jelly roll patterns. It's called On a Jelly Roll by Meadow Mist Designs. I've made this one before and I love the look that the blocks make.

I bought this fabric from a friend a couple years back. The strips were already cut and backing fabric (the striped one) was included. This is the second quilt I've made with the box of fabric I received and I still have a few strips left over. Almost enough for another quilt!

Linking with Busy Hands Quilts, My Quilt Infatuation.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Garlic Knots

56" x 72"

Here's a scrappy quilt for ya! At the beginning of the year, I was cleaning my sewing room and cutting the scraps to put away. I couldn't get all of them into my scrap bins so I decided to make a couple scrappy quilts. This is the second one I made using the darker muted colors I had in the box. 

I chose to use cream and white prints, mostly from scrap strips, for the background. The colors in this quilt are not my favorites. I was surprised how many I had. While it did make a dent in the box, it won't take long to be overflowing again.

There was nothing big enough in my stash to use for the back which isn't surprising. So I purchased a cream floral print for this quilt. I may not like the fabrics too much, but I do love the look of this quilt.  Cut any fabric small enough and you can make a great quilt!

Linking with Busy Hands Quilts and My Quilt Infatuation and Oh, Scrap!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Play Date - A New Pattern

58" x 67"

This pattern has been sitting waiting for me to write it for quite a while. It's called Play Date and it's one of my favorites! I was procrastinating because I did't know how I was going to write a pattern using a new tool I purchased. But pulled up to the computer and finally got to work! 

It comes in 2 sizes, baby and lap/throw. I made the lap size. Can you see the secondary pattern that looks like a sun? And of course there are the separated arrows that are just so fun! 

To make this quilt, you will need the Tri Recs Ruler set.  I bet most of  you already own this ruler. I'm always a little late to the party! While in the process of writing the pattern and learning how to use the tool, I found that this tool isn't scary at all to use. There are tons of tutorials online on how to use it. You just have to remember to cut the little tiny corner off, but I put this reminder in the directions so you won't forget. And it makes more than just the Triangle in a Square block. I am excited to try the Recs too to make Half Rectangle Triangles next.

Here is a lap size mock up in Hazel and Plum...

 And a baby size mock up in Lollipop Garden...

Play Date is for sale here and if you make it I would love to see it!

Linking with My Quilt Infatuation, Busy Hands Quilts, Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Jungle Babies

Do you ever find things in your closet and wonder - why did I buy that? Well this is one of those for me. I was looking through the drawers to see if I had anything cut up and ready to sew and I stumbled across this pannel. I apparently purchased two of them a while back. I think I was going to try to practice some free motion quilting...

Ya, that didn't happen. I loaded it on the long arm with that intention. After looking at it I realized I would need to quilt it with monopoly thread. Umph. I don't want to mess with that right now. Since it is already loaded I think I'll just get it done and move on!

It has a flannel back and I used the leftover backing for binding as well. At least it is finished and can be sold or given away if the need arises. My little girl was trying to claim it! It is cute, but I think she has enough quilts on her bed right now. I think there is at least four of them.

I found another pile of fabric in the closet too, and I'm not so excited to share this one.  It falls in the the "what were you thinking" category. This quilt should be done in a few weeks. I'm sure you are sitting on the edge of your seat by now!