Friday, September 25, 2020

Postcard Pillowcases

This was a fun little project request that I finished up recently. They are 20" pillow covers that were inspired by the Postcard from Sweden quilt. They are similar but not identical.

 It's hard to see, but I did an envelop closure and the tops were quilted with the organic wavy lines. I like these smaller projects.  But now I'm off to make a king size quilt. No time for chit chat!

Monday, September 21, 2020

Summer of Scraps Wrap Up

Here's my final scrappy quilt of the summer...and just in time. Tomorrow fall officially starts! This is not my first black and yellow quilt as you can tell from all the different scraps and it certainly won't be my last. This is such a nice color combination for almost any room. I pulled in every black/yellow and gray/yellow scrap I could find. That tiger strip is even a left over piece of flannel I snuck in there. It's thin and you don't really notice it. 

All in all, I was able to make 8 scrappy quilts this summer. There is one more quilt top cut into pieces but not sewn at all that didn't make it to it's completion. But that's okay. I'll get to it soon. There is still SO many scraps left to use. I'll be taking a break from scraps while I make a few customer quilts. It is quilt season after all. But I've learned a valuable lesson this summer...don't let your scraps pile up so high that 8 quilts don't make much of dent!!! 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Another scrappy quilt...

It's still summer right? I'm still working on scrap quilts and it's still hot here in Oklahoma so I'm going to call it summer! For this scrappy quilt, I've gathered scraps in black, pink, orange, lime green, and turquoise. My inspiration for the fabrics came from one of the black prints that has those colors in it.

This one block quilt is made from 8" squares rotated to make the design. It would look great in any color scheme you can come up with but using a print with multiple colors like I did is the easiest way to get started. I even added in some black with gold prints because I was a bit short on the colorful ones. It doesn't even look like I used scraps unless you start counting how many different prints are in this quilt.

The back and binding are a cross hatch print from connecting threads. You could add more scraps to the back to liven it up if you had enough to do it. I was running short so I chose the easy route.


I have at least one more scrap quilt to finish up for the summer and then I will have to decide if I want to keep going or do something else. I didn't quite get through all the quilts and styles I had on my list. But it  may just be time for something new!

Monday, September 7, 2020

Quilty Hearts in Rainbow

Here is a throw size quilty hearts quilt inspired by Myra's twin sized rainbow version.  A customer wanted a rainbow quilt in this pattern, so I helped her decide which colors we should use. This size only allows for 6 colors of the rainbow so I suggested we combine the orange and yellow and the pink and red. 

She loved Myra's quilting so I had her pick out one of my pantographs to quilt this up for her. This one is called Square Spiral - one of my favorites to quilt. 

This is the "after washing" picture which show just how much texture you get from this pattern. I always wash quilts before they leave the house for two reasons. The first and most important - I would hate for a quilt to bleed so I wash with at least 4 color catchers. The second reason is that sometimes people don't realize that the quilt will get all crinkly and shrink once it's washed. This way I can list it at the correct size and the look of it won't change when they wash it.  

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Another Scrap Snap Quilt

Here's another Scrap Snap Quilt I made as a custom request. This quilt goes through a lot of scraps! I like to use at least 14 different prints in each color so I ended up having to cut some green, orange, and pink. With all the scrappy quilts I have been making, my choices are getting slim. 

I know this is a terrible picture, but it's been raining like crazy and I just wanted a quick photo of the back to remember that I added this beautiful rainbow strip. (I would have been smart to take it the when I got the photo of the front...)  If I every make another one, I want to add this again. I only did it this time because there wasn't enough fabric to cover the whole back, but I really love the color it adds!