Friday, February 26, 2021

Snap Line Tester Quilt

Snap Line is a pattern I released recently (the first quilt was rainbow with black). This one was the first one I started on made with aqua and brown scraps. Let's call it a trial and error quilt. I tried it, made a math error and then had to compensate for that with my background sizes. So you might notice that the center strips in the block is larger than in the pattern. Overall it looks pretty much like the pattern and I love the aqua and brown fabric combo.

I found a cool toned brown fabric in my stash to use for the binding and the back. The cool tone made the quilt feel more modern than the warmer brown fabric I also auditioned for the back. I wanted to use an aqua fabric for the binding, but I couldn't find one in my stash that I liked. But I really like the cool brown on the front now that it is finished.

 Mistakes happen folks! But I've found in quilting that most of them can be saved. Who would know that this was not what I intended if I don't tell them? Not a soul!  Get your copy of Snap Line here.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Snap Line Quilt

Oh the weather we've had this past week! It's starting to warm up and so I finally got outside to take some pictures of this quilt. This is my new pattern called Snap Line. I've been very scrap focused this year and was wanting to make something with them. I stumbled across this design by accident! I had made a mistake in my measurements on my first go through and so the block had to be modified. But I love this one so much better!

The wind was blowing outside yesterday, but we did finally get about freezing. The power and water has been out all over the place, but we were very bless to not lose ours. We are not prepared for this kind of below zero weather here where I live. 

Anyway, back to the pattern. This one uses what I call strings. I don't know if that is the proper term or not. If the scrap is smaller than 2.5" I put it in my "string" bin. Well, I had 2 large ones filled to the top. I had the kids iron them all for me last month - what a time saver! I pulled out anything bright and happy over 1.5" wide. This pattern uses strip piecing so each string needs to be at least 10" long. 

Because all the stores have been closed and I don't really want to buy anything anyway, I used a solid black on the back. But it was a bit too boring so I added a row of scraps, 4" long, to the back. Doesn't that look wonderful? And it used up some more scraps!

I looked over and saw the fence while we were out in the yard and thought why no grab a photo over there? I think it's my favorite of all the ones I took. 

Here are a few mockups that I came up with. I love the red binding on the first one. (I'm not usually a red ran.) And then there is the two colored one on the bottom. I have a version of this one almost finished. It's the one I messed up on so it's not exactly the same. 

 Have you been working through your endless pile of scraps this year? If not you need to! It's pretty much free fabric. So go grab your scraps and the Snap Line pattern and make one of these for yourself!