Friday, February 26, 2021

Snap Line Tester Quilt

Snap Line is a pattern I released recently (the first quilt was rainbow with black). This one was the first one I started on made with aqua and brown scraps. Let's call it a trial and error quilt. I tried it, made a math error and then had to compensate for that with my background sizes. So you might notice that the center strips in the block is larger than in the pattern. Overall it looks pretty much like the pattern and I love the aqua and brown fabric combo.

I found a cool toned brown fabric in my stash to use for the binding and the back. The cool tone made the quilt feel more modern than the warmer brown fabric I also auditioned for the back. I wanted to use an aqua fabric for the binding, but I couldn't find one in my stash that I liked. But I really like the cool brown on the front now that it is finished.

 Mistakes happen folks! But I've found in quilting that most of them can be saved. Who would know that this was not what I intended if I don't tell them? Not a soul!  Get your copy of Snap Line here.


  1. It's beautiful and if you would not have pointed out mistake I would not have noticed at all. I am working on 3 table runner patterns.
