Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Stitch and Flip Quilt

Here's another quilt made from 2.5" solid strip leftovers. This was surprisingly easy to sew and cut even though it was long. Long pieces usually give me trouble when I try to line them up on the cutting mat. But this one played nice.

I found this green print when I cleaned out the closet a month ago. It is old! It was hiding with some other prints I must have set aside to make a quilt years ago. I have added all those fabrics back into my stash. 

 It's a rainbow kind of spring this year! I am working on one more, but I think I should work on something else first. Maybe a pattern?

Friday, May 17, 2024

Postcard from Sweden Quilt

Throw size postcard quilt. I love making these. It's so nice to sew these colorful blocks together. 

I used a teal binding this time. Trying something different. Looks good!

Rainbow Quilt from Scraps

I may not have gotten many quilts done this year as of yet, but I have been trying to use up scraps when I do get to work on one. This quilt is the result of all the leftover strips from the many postcard quilts I've made. I love that the custom quilting just came to me as I loaded the quilt on the frame.

I used some leftover strip pieces for the binding. It gives it a pop of color around the edge. I sewed the pieces on the diagonal, but I wonder if it would have looked better sewn straight. What do you think?

I had this colorful print in my backing fabric piles that I've been wanting to use. I think it's the perfect scale for this quilt.  I might have to make this one again, as I figured an easy way to piece those colored strips without having to do a tube. I just strip sewed 8 strips together and then cut them into 8 segments. Then I seam ripped off the next bottom pieces and attached them to the top. So much easier than sewing all the strips together and trying to cut the tube into 2.5' pieces. 


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