Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Twin Friendship Quilt - Part 2

I've had this almost done for quite a while, but I had to stop and work on a quilt that my husband wants to take on a business trip!  So glad to have them both done now and I'll show you the other one later this week. This is the twin to the one in the last post.

Same pattern without the corner stones in the outer boarder.  This one is warm and the other is cool.

No fancy quilting on this one, just a simple meander.  Quick and simple!


  1. It looks great! It is always nice to finish something!

  2. Shannon - Fun to see the red version of the blue quilt. I really like the border quilting on the blue quilt. Sometimes meandering is the perfect finish on a quilt. I meander a lot of my quilts. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Amazing the difference the color can make. I love this red version too.
