Monday, December 21, 2015

2015 Summary and 2016 Quilting Goals

2015 has been a good year for me.  I didn't write or blog about any goals for this year, but I had 3.

1. Make 36 quilts.  We made 44 quilts this year, 3 of them by my kids! My 4 favorites are:

Stained Glass
Postcard from Oklahoma

Scrappy Twister
Morse Code

2. Finish cutting all my scraps, and keep up with new ones. I did manage to get all the scraps cut and have been doing a good job keeping up with that.  It's so nice to look at the organized scrap bins and be able to find things. You can find the sizes I keep in this post.

3. Use up the unloved fabric in my closet. That fabric was the larger than 1/2 yard, but smaller than 3 that somehow got purchased.  It's the "what was I thinking" fabric. I did clean out the closet and get them all used.  Here's few of my favorites.

Adding Up Nicely
Floral Plus Quilt

Happy Garden Quilt
Rainbow Brick

New things this year:

1. I opened an etsy shop last month.  I have been thinking about it for a while, but had some reservations.  With my good friend's help and encouragement it is open!

2. I became a pattern tester this year.  This has been so much fun!  I have gotten to make quilts that I would not have picked out myself.  Not to mention getting to know the pattern maker - love you, Myra!

2016 Goals
I have decided to start keeping track of my fabric usage in 2016.  I figure I should be accountable to someone. So to see where I was this year as best as I can recall I added up what I used and took a guess at what I purchased.  Looks like the 44 quilts used about 250 yards.  I think I bought around 245, but I'm sure I missed some smaller purchases.  It's probably closer to 275. Not bad considering our local quilt shop closed and I bought 160 yards from there.  I plan on using much more than buying this next year!

Make 36 quilts. Same old plan - about 3 per month.

Use up the large "what was I thinking fabric".  Some of it is actually quite pretty, but ends up in this category because it is a large print fabric and needs to be mixed with blenders.  There are around 20 of these fabrics and I have started making piles and picking patterns already.  2 quilts are already cut and 1 top is finished. Here are a few of the piles:

This cleaned out my large piece bins and now I have a nice selection of more solid/blender colors for backing all sorted by color.

Thanks for taking time to read my blog.  I enjoy sharing with you! I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a great New Year!  May 2016 be a year of great blessings for y'all!


  1. I love you, too, Shannon! You have had a big year in your quilting, and having goals probably contributed to that. I will have to set some goals for 2016!

  2. Congrats on all your finishes. I like your goals, I really enjoyed keeping track of the fabric that comes in and goes out of my space. It helps me to not buy as much. Though if I had a store closing in my area I would probably buy a bunch of fabric also.

    Merry Christmas Shannon!

  3. I have loved seeing your creations throughout the year. Great job on your goals.
