Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Year of the Stash is Going Well!

My goals were set at the end of last year. The biggest one for me was using a lot of the large pieces of hard to use fabrics I had hiding in the closet.  Some of it was sitting by itself and some of it had a buddy or two to go with it. I didn't want to use them because it was either to hard (or so I thought) or I really didn't like it.  But I have challenged myself to get these fabrics made into pretty quilts.  Here are my first three this year.

This pink floral fabric has a hard to match minty green that I found enough of to make a quilt. I am not used to making a 2 fabric quilt, but I am pleased with how this turned out. I did a lot of math to figure out how to not purchase any fabric, but I ended up buying a yard of the green because I was short.  Almost all stash!

Urban Neighborhoods

These fabrics were already in a pile in my closet.  I don't remember why they were there, but they had been there a while. 100% stash!

On the Square Irish Chain

Here is one of those floral prints in my stash I don't like.  But I was determined to use it AND make it pretty!  Two marble prints I bought last year make this irish chain stand out. It's all stash.

My goal is to make 20 of these types of quilts, hopefully using all stash to do it.  I have 2 more of these quilts started and another finished.  I'd say the Year of the Stash is well under way!


  1. Wow! Three large quilts already! I'd say you're taking this challenge head on. Well done and thanks for linking up with A Quarter Inch from the Edge!

  2. Way to go Shannon! All three quilts are beautiful.

  3. Shannon - You are an inspiration. These are stunning quilts. Found you via Quarter an Inch From The Edge.

  4. Awesome job of using up your stash. I am very impressed.

  5. You are doing good. It always feels great to use up what we already have.
